Queen vs NTM - Michmash - Breakthru
Just Brothers vs Gossip feat Fatboy Slim - Michmash_-_Funk_Soul_Control
Aerosmith ft RATM vs Mazesoundz - Michmash_-Walk_on_funk
Bob Marley vs Janko Nilovic - Michmash_-_Genius_gonna_rock
Barabass vs Bob Marley - Michmash - Happy Bob
Bob Marley vs The Fratellis - Michmash_-_Sheriff_in_the_backstairs
Sia vs Billy Idol - Michmash_-_The_greatest_rebel
Saez vs Queen - Michmash_-_Rock_in_the_Dust
Martha and Vandellas vs Katrin - Michmash_-_Running_on_sunshine
Van Halen vs Xtina - Michmash_-_Girls_wanna_jump
Queen vs Bowie vs Pink - Michmash_-_Try_without_pressure
Morcheeba vs Jestofunk - Michmash_-_Love_blood_and_karma
Lilly Wood vs Bongolian ft Led - Michmash_-_The_Ballad_of_Lilly
Police vs Bee Gees - Michmash-Dance_Roxanne
Creedence vs Missing Persons - Michmash_-_Fortunate_walk
The Bongolian vs The Doors - Michmash_-_Roadhouse_ride
Sia vs Beyonce - Michmash_-_crazy_desing